Command Glossary

This is a collection of most command commands to come in handy.

Check IRI’s node status

curl -s http://localhost:14265 -X POST -H 'X-IOTA-API-Version: someval' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"command": "getNodeInfo"}' | jq

Same as above but extract the milestones

curl -s http://localhost:14265   -X POST  -H 'X-IOTA-API-Version: 1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -d '{"command": "getNodeInfo"}'|python -m json.tool|egrep "latestSolidSubtangleMilestoneIndex|latestMilestoneIndex"

Add neighbors

This is the nbctl script that shipped with this installation (use it with -h to get help):

nbctl -a -n tcp:// -n tcp://

Remove neighbors

This is the nbctl script that shipped with this installation (use it with -h to get help):

nbctl -r -n tcp:// -n tcp://

Check iri and iota-pm ports listening

lsof -Pni|egrep "iri|iotapm

Check all ports on the node

lsof -Pni

Opening a port in the firewall

In CentOS:

firewall-cmd --add-port=14265/tcp --zone=public --permanent && firewall-cmd --reload

In Ubuntu/Debian:

ufw allow 14265/tcp

Checking memory usage per application

This is the ps_mem script that shipped with this installation. If you don’t have it you can see total memory usage using free -m.


Checking system load and memory usage

All Linux systems have top, but there’s a nicer utility called htop.

You might need to install it:

On Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install htop -y
On CentOS: yum install htop -y

Then run htop


If ‘htop’ is not available in CentOS you need to install ‘epel-release’ and try again, i.e. ‘yum install epel-release -y’