How to override playbook variables

You might have noticed that many Ansible commands in the documentation use -e somevar=value to specify variables.

This variable declaration takes precedence over any other pre-defined variables.

An easy approach to override variables in the files found in group_vars/all/ path is to override them.

The reason is that if you edit any of these files you risk a conflict when updates are pulled from the iri-playbook repository.

Overriding file variables

The files in group_vars/all/ are read in alphabetic order.

For example: you have a file called aaa.yaml with the variable test_var:

test_var: 1234

and you have a file called bbb.yaml, also with the variable test_var:

test_var: abcd

When the playbook runs, it first reads the file aaa.yaml and then bbb.yaml. test_var ends up with the value abcd.

Best practice is to create a file starting with the letter z, for example zzz-myenvironment.yaml and in it define all the variables you want.

How to tell if my node is synced

You can check if your node is synced by looking at iota-pm GUI. Check if Latest Mile Stone Index and Latest Solid Mile Stone Index are equal:


Another option is to run the following command on the server’s command line (make sure the port matches your IRI API port):

curl -s http://localhost:14265 -X POST  -H 'X-IOTA-API-Version: 1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"command": "getNodeInfo"}'| jq '.latestSolidSubtangleMilestoneIndex, .latestMilestoneIndex'

This will output 2 numbers which should be equal.


Above command will fail if you don’t have jq installed. See below how to install it.

You can install jq:

Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install jq -y

Centos: yum install jq -y

Alternatively, use python:

curl -s http://localhost:14265 -X POST  -H 'X-IOTA-API-Version: 1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"command": "getNodeInfo"}'|python -m json.tool|egrep "latestSolidSubtangleMilestoneIndex|latestMilestoneIndex"

If you have problems getting in sync after a very long time, consider downloading a fully synced database as described here: Where can I get a fully synced database to help kick start my node

How do I tell if I am syncing with my neighbors

You can use IOTA Peer Manager. Have a look at the neighbors boxes. They normally turn red after a while if there’s no sync between you and their node. Here’s an example of a healthy neighbor, you can see it is also sending new transactions (green line) and the value of New Transactions increases in time:


Where to get the latest milestone index from

It used to be possible via the botbox on Slack. And since Slack is no longer in use, you can get it by running:

curl -s https://x-vps.com/lmsi | jq .

This is a value which is based on querying approximately 100 full nodes.

You can also use iric as it has an option in the menu to view the latest milestone index.

Why is latestSolidSubtangleMilestoneIndex always behind latestMilestoneIndex

This is probably the most frequently asked question.

At time of writing, and to the best of my knowledge, there is not one definitive answer. There are probably various factors that might keep the Solid milestone from ever reaching the latest one and thus remaining not fully synced.

I have noticed that this problem exacerbates when the database is relatively large (5GB+). This is mostly never a problem right after a snapshot, when things run much smoother. This might also be related to ongoing “bad” spam attacks directed against the network.

Some things to try:

How to get my node swap less

You can always completely turn off swap, which is not always the best solution. Using less swap (max 1GB) can be helpful at times to avoid some OOM killers (out-of-memory).

As a simple solution you can change the “swappiness” of your linux system. I have a 8GB 4 core VPS, I lowered the swappiness down to 1. You can start with a value of 10, or 5. Run these two commands:

echo "vm.swappiness = 1" >>/etc/sysctl.conf


sysctl -p

You might need to restart IRI in order for it to adapt to the new setting. Try to monitor the memory usage using free -m, swap in particular, e.g.:

free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7822        3331         692         117        3798        4030
Swap:          3815           1        3814

You’ll see that in this example nothing is being used. If a large “used” value appears for Swap, it might be a good idea to lower the value and restart IRI.

Where can I get a fully synced database to help kick start my node

This service is no longer provided, please consider switching to Hornet

For the sake of the community, I regularly create a copy of a the database snapshot files. I no longer share the fully sycned db since IRI version 1.6.0.

You can use the iric tool to download and install the database Fullnode IRI Configuration Utility, or update manually using the following instructions:

  • The full command will only work if you’ve installed your full node using this tutorial/playbook.
systemctl stop iri && rm -rf /var/lib/iri/target/{mainnetdb*,mainnet.snapshot*} && mkdir -p /var/lib/iri/target && cd /var/lib/iri/target && wget -O - https://x-vps.com/iota.db.tgz | tar zxv && chown iri.iri /var/lib/iri -RL && systemctl start iri

NOTE If there has been a corruption in the spent-addresses-db directory, you might also like to first run the command rm -rf /var/lib/iri/target/spent-addresses-* before running the above command.