
Upgrade IRI

Latest IRI release is available here.

If a new version has been announced, you can follow this guide to get the new version.

In the following example we assume that the new version is


The foundation might announce additional information in tandem with upgrades, for example whether to use the --rescan flag, remove older database etc. If required, additional options can be specified under the OPTIONS="" value in the configuration file (/etc/default/iri for Ubuntu or /etc/sysconfig/iri for CentOS). The database folder is in /var/lib/iri/target/mainnetdb and can be removed using systemctl stop iri && rm -rf /var/lib/iri/target/mainnet*.

You can update IRI using the iric tool: Fullnode IRI Configuration Utility. Make sure that there are no additional manual steps to be taken if any are announced by the Foundation.

To update manually:

Make sure you are running all the commands as ‘root’ (run sudo su first). Then, download new IRI to the directory:

export IRIVER= ; curl -L "${IRIVER}/iri-${IRIVER}.jar" --output "/var/lib/iri/target/iri-${IRIVER}.jar"

Then update the IRI configuration file in place using sed:

In Ubuntu:

sed -i 's/^IRI_VERSION=.*$/IRI_VERSION=' /etc/default/iri

In CentOS:

sed -i 's/^IRI_VERSION=.*$/IRI_VERSION=' /etc/sysconfig/iri

This will update the version line to match, e.g.:


This requires a iri restart: systemctl restart iri.

To verify the new version is loaded:

ps aux|grep iri-|grep -vq grep && echo found

Of course, replace the version with the one you expect to see.

This should output found if okay.

Upgrade IOTA Monitoring

IOTA Prometheus Monitoring is used by Grafana which are the awesome graphs about the full node.

You can update the monitoring using the iric tool: Fullnode IRI Configuration Utility, or update manually using the following instructions:

A new feature has been added to read extra metrics from IRI using ZeroMQ. ZMQ has to be enabled in IRI first if you haven’t done it already:

grep -q ^ZMQ_ENABLED /var/lib/iri/iri.ini || echo "ZMQ_ENABLED = true" >>/var/lib/iri/iri.ini && systemctl restart iri

After about 10-30 seconds (depending on how long it takes IRI to restart) you should be able to see the ZMQ port listening for connections:

lsof -Pni:5556

Output should look similar to:

java     5192       iota   47u  IPv6 38464889      0t0  TCP *:5556 (LISTEN)

Next we can update iota-prom-exporter and the respective Grafana dashboard:

cd /opt/iri-playbook && git pull && ansible-playbook -i inventory -v site.yml --tags=iri_ssl,prometheus_config,monitoring_deps,iota_prom_exporter,grafana_config -e overwrite=yes

Now you should be able to open Grafana and see the new row of metrics (ZMQ).

If you encounter errors when running the command, depending on the error, please refer to HTTP Error 401 Unauthorized When Running Playbook or How to Handle Git Conflicts.

Check Database Size

You can check the size of the database using du -hs /var/lib/iri/target/mainnetdb/, e.g.:

# du -hs /var/lib/iri/target/mainnetdb/
4.9G    /var/lib/iri/target/mainnetdb/


To check free space on the system’s paritions use df -h If one of the paritions’ usage exceeds 85% you should consider a cleanup. Don’t worry about the /boot paritition though.

Check Logs

Follow the last 50 lines of the log (iri):

journalctl -n 50 -f -u iri

For iota-pm:

journalctl -n 50 -f -u iota-pm

Click ‘Ctrl-C’ to stop following and return to the prompt.

Alternatively, omit the -f and use --no-pager to view the logs.

Replace Database

At any time you can remove the existing database and start sync all over again. This is required if you know your database is corrupt (don’t assume, use the community’s help to verify such suspicion) or if you want your node to sync more quickly.

To remove an existing database:

  1. stop IRI: systemctl stop iri.
  2. delete the database: rm -rf /var/lib/iri/target/mainnet*
  3. start IRI: systemctl start iri

If you want to import an already existing database, check Where can I get a fully synced database to help kick start my node.